

    Hey, you actually clicked here, color me surprised! Well, if you’re going to waste precious internet time on this page here’s some self-indulgent paragraphs.

    I was born in the mid-west, the first night I was alive President Bush Senior gave a State of the Union address to which I promptly fell asleep. My parents recall already appreciating I had a good grasp of politics (folks that’s called foreshadowing). Skip through the wondrous years of childhood spent in the greater Chicago area to my adolescence, when my father took a research position, all the way on the east coast, at MIT, in Cambridge Massachusetts. So my teenage years were defined by...adjusting. Let’s move on to College, shall we.    

    In college, I studied Mechanical and Nuclear Engineer (No I can’t make a Nuc in my garage...yet). While doing so, I maintained an extreme interest in movies since childhood. That interest eventually evolved to encompass filmmaking in general. While researching for project I stumbled onto Upstate Independence, in a word: paradise. More specifically a group of independent filmmaker’s willing to let anyone in. So, after working on a few projects with writer/director Jeff Burns (i.e his web- series Super Knocked Up), I became  entranced in the whole process. Before you can say do you really understand what you’re getting into, I started this site.

    So that brings me back to film, specifically why, what’s it all about? Well, it’s a long answer that I hope to answer through this site and my personal projects. For right now the answer is two words, sheer joy. I love it, all facets of it. More importantly I love taking to people about it more than any thing else. On a level perhaps that’s why, it’s one of the most unique shared experience we as a people have. I hope with this site and it’s mission statement of shining a light where needed I will be able to share many thoughts and experiences.     

Contact me:

  1. 1.Become a contributor

  2. 2.Script consulting/ideas

  3. 3.Becoming a part of a ongoing projects

  4. 4.Or you know just shoot the breeze about the subject we all love and cherish   

Personal FACTS:

Film Inspirations:


All About Me...Me...Me: